In order to keep our customers’ wagons at a high level of operational safety and to optimize their costs, we carry out planned and extraordinary repairs on all types of wagons.TRAKTSIA AG is certified to carry out the maintenance of freight wagons according to REGULATION (EU) No. 445/2011 of EC, as well as to the requirements of all modules of the VPI – Maintenance Guidelines.

For our Bulgarian customers we have the possibility to carry out car repairs in accordance with the regulations and instructions of BDZ Cargo and Bulgarian National Railway Infrastruction. In addition, we have set up a professional welding training center certified by the Bulgarian institutes in order to maintain the high qualification of our welding workers.The good execution of the welding processes is ensured by the introduction of a management system, which has been certified by TÜV Rheinland, in accordance with the requirements of EN 15085-2. We have a variety of ancillary facilities, such as our own LPG degassing plant, woodworking plant, chambers for shot-blasting cleaning of wagons, materials and components, and paint for wagons, bogies and axles – all in order to achieve shorter run times and better service quality.

See the full list of repairs offered by wagon type.


To meet the growing logistical needs of our customers, we design, develop and modify freight wagons to meet their needs. This is possible thanks to our many years of experience, our production capacity and our desire to develop together with our customers.

Modifications developed by us:

  • Development of an openable roof on open wagons of the type Eaos
  • Replacement of the manual pneumatic control of the unloading system on the wagons type Faccpp with automatic pneumatic control
  • Design and assembly of superstructure parts intended for the transport of coils, pipes, steel bands and other goods on flat wagons.


We help our customers continue to use the wagons that require modernisation. We develop and execute different types of modernisations according to customer needs.


Modernisations we did:

  • Modernisation of the brake system of a wagon type Faccpp from a type M270 brake system – Matrosow to a KE-GP type brake system
  • Construction of a new reinforced wagon body and modification of the side doors for wagons type Eaos for the carriage of heavy bulk goods.


1А, str. Dimitar Blagoev, 7454 v. Samuil, Razgrad area, Bulgaria

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